LAMPUNG - Presidential Chief of Staff, General TNI (Ret.) Moeldoko said the importance of increasing the standard of living and economy of rubber farmers in Indonesia. Moeldoko said that the President was very concerned about the condition of rubber farmers. According to him, there are two issues faced, namely declining price and productivity. "There was even a government policy to buy the proceeds from rubber farmers, this is very concerned," he said during a working visit to a rubber plantation located. In Tulang Bawang Barat Regency, Lampung Province, Monday, May 13. Data from the Central Statistics Agency (BPS) states that Gross Domestic Product (GDP) at a constant price (ADHK) from the rubber industry, rubber and plastic goods fell 7.18 percent, from Rp. 16.6 trillion in the second quarter/2022 to Rp. 15.85 trillion in the second quarter/2023. Moeldoko who is also the Chair of the Indonesian Farmers Harmony Association (HKTI) in collaboration with PT. Mercu BioTech Nusantara for the use of fireworks tap technology system. Teknologi ini dapat menambah produktivitas rubber hingga 300 persen. Selain itu, pemanfaatan teknologi tersebut juga dapat digunakan dalam segala cuaca, termasuk dalam cuaca dengan curah hujan cukup tinggi. Saya yakin riset dan teknologi ini dapat membawa perubahan positif untuk para petani rubber, hasilnya berhasilnya bisa segera kaya ungkapnya.Moeldoko berharap dengan dilaksanakan pilot project penerapan teknologi mercu tap system di Tulang Bawang Barat, Lampung ini dapat increasing the effectiveness and efficiency of farmer productivity and also improving the welfare of rubber farmers not only in Lampung but also in other areas. "Later, after the results are good, farmers don't get the wrong way. The results are to improve their agricultural condition, which previously could not buy fertilizer, buy it immediately," said Moeldoko. On that occasion, Dato Sri Ahmad Sukimi, CEO of Mercu BioTech Nusantara said the reason for choosing Indonesia in implementation This technology is because Indonesia's economic potential in the future is very large, and also the area of rubber land in Indonesia is among the second largest in the world. "The study of this technology has been 12 years, we hope to help improve the welfare of rubber farmers in Indonesia," he said. Furthermore, Dato Sri Ahmad said that this technology does not injure rubber trees in the wiretapping process. In addition, his party is ready to assist in the application of the technology as well as as Buyers (off-takers). Even this latex purchase price can be much higher than the current price. "We hope that the application of this technology will not stop in Lampung, and can immediately be applied to people's plantations and owned by the Indonesian government," he said.The Presidential Staff Office has collaborated with the Mala BioTech Nusantara in implementing this new technology to increase the productivity of the proceeds and certainty of purchases at a price that is relatively double the price which was obtained by previous farmers.

Rubber farmer Is Alfarizi said the application of the fireworks tap system technology had increased rubber production on his rubber plantation. By using this method for two weeks, it has produced 211 kg of rubber sap from the previous 15-20 kg.

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