JAKARTA - KPK Supervisory Board member Syamsuddin Haris said there were about 10 witnesses who were asked to attend the ethics trial of the Deputy Chairperson of the KPK Nurul Ghufron today, Tuesday, May 14. One of them is Deputy Chairperson of the KPK Alexander Marwata. It is known that Ghufron was tried on ethics for allegedly abusing his authority because he communicated with the Ministry of Agriculture (Kementan) to deal with the mutation of an employee. There are approximately 10. One of the witnesses is Mr. Alexander Marwata. The rest is from the Ministry of Agriculture, there is also from the KPK," said Syamsuddin to reporters at the ACLC KPK Building, Rasuna Said, South Jakarta, Tuesday, May 14. The ten people will be questioned for alleged violation of Nurul Ghufron's ethics, said Syamsuddin. We call all witnesses to be clarified, then re-examined in the trial,'' he said. Previously reported, the Deputy Chairperson of the KPK Nurul Ghufron will be on an ethics trial because he is suspected of communicating with the Ministry of Agriculture (Ministry) regarding employee mutations on Thursday, May 2. The KPKDewas decided the trial was held because he had a number of evidences, including information from related parties such as former Minister of Agriculture (Mentan) Syahrul Yasin Limpo. It' Only, because Ghufron was not present then the KPK Council carried out the postponement and trial again on May 14.
Ghufron's absence was caused by filing a lawsuit with the State Administrative Court (PTUN). He claimed that the alleged ethics committed could not be followed up by the KPK Council because it had expired. This is because this act occurred in March 2022 and was only followed up after a report was made in December 2023.
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