JAKARTA - The Constitutional Court (MK) again held a trial for dispute over the results of the general election (PHPU) or dispute over the results of the 2024 legislative election (Pileg) on Monday, May 13, 2024.

Based on data from the Constitutional Court website, this trial was conducted on 40 PHPU cases with the agenda of hearing the KPU's answers as the respondent, information from related parties, Bawaslu statements and ratification of evidence from the parties.

The trial of the 40 PHPU Pilleg cases was divided into two panel of judges at the Constitutional Court with details of panel 1 which will hear 21 cases from electoral districts in three provinces, namely North Sumatra, Southeast Sulawesi and South Papua as well as panel III for 19 PHPU Pileg cases from electoral districts in 4 provinces, namely South Sumatra, DKI Jakarta, North Kalimantan, and Jambi. Meanwhile, Panel II does not have a schedule for a trial for the election results today.

This trial is a series of trials against 297 PHPU for the 2024 Legislative Election. The Constitutional Court has started a trial against the PHPU Pilleg case on April 29 with a preliminary examination agenda.

The agenda for this preliminary examination will continue until Tuesday, May 14 against 42 PHPU cases for the 2024 Legislative Election. The agenda is the same, namely listening to the respondent's answer, information from related parties, Bawaslu's statement and the ratification of evidence from the parties.

The Constitutional Court is then scheduled to read out the dismissal or follow-up decision of the PHPU Pilleg case to the trial of evidence on May 20-21, 2024.

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