JAKARTA - The Minister of Religion (Menag) of the Republic of Indonesia Yaqut Cholil Qoumas reminded the pilgrims to focus on performing the pilgrimage in the Holy Land. "We remind all of you that your intention is to be properly arranged. The intention of the mother to go to the Holy Land is to worship. Please do not insert other intentions other than the intention of the pilgrimage in the Holy Land," he said Sunday, May 12. Ministerag also reminded the importance of keeping physically, because the weather in Saudi Arabia is different from that in Indonesia. "Hot storm, the weather in the Holy Land is very hot. So that your mother's physical condition is maintained. Eat enough, drink enough, vitamins must also be taken," he said.Gus Men, his nickname, also asked the pilgrims not to hesitate to ask the officers for help if they need something. He made sure the officers would help with a sincere heart. "If you need anything later, convey it to the officers. We have prepared the Ministry of Health together with the Ministry of Health officers who will and are ready to serve the ladies and gentlemen. Whatever the need, convey it to the officers, don't hesitate," he said.Gus Men assessed that there will be many challenges that the congregation will face. However he is optimistic that later the pilgrims with the help of officers will be able to carry out the pilgrimage smoothly. "Once again I remind you to take care of your health. This physical worship, the challenges are certainly not easy. But I am sure all are ready and strong to carry out worship in the Holy Land," he said. This year, the Ministry of Religion still carries the jargon Haji Ramah Lansia with around 45,678 worshipers aged 65 years and over or as much as 21.41 percent.

The Ministry of Religion is committed to providing the best service for all pilgrims, including the elderly. During their technical guidance, the officers are trained and reminded to be more friendly and caring for the congregation, especially the elderly. All pilgrims are also invited to jointly give concern to the elderly in their entourage.

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