JAKARTA - The Prosperous Justice Party (PKS) and the Depok Golkar Party have a coalition to agree to carry Imam Budi Hartono and Ririn Farabi Arafiq as candidates for mayor and deputy mayor of Depok in the 2024 Simultaneous Pilkada.

"We have agreed in Depok City, we are just waiting for their respective DPP letters. Both the Golkar Party DPP and the PKS DPP," said Depok City PKS DPD Chairman Imam Budi Hartono quoting Antara.

Imam Budi Hartono said the Imam - Ririn pair planned to make a declaration as soon as possible after the issuance of a Decree (SK) from their respective DPPs.

"Pray for us as soon as possible, we want to pray for it to be fast. Pray for next week the decree (DPP) can come out," said Imam

Imam explained that Ririn Farabi Arafiq officially became a candidate for deputy mayor of Depok accompanying Imam Budi Hartono because Golkar was the only political party that seriously proposed a candidate for deputy mayor to the DPD PKS Depok City in writing and verbally.

"The party that applied to PKS was the Golkar Party. There were no (other parties) to propose in writing. If there may be talk, it might be there. If in writing it becomes evidence. That's what we brought the PKS DPP," he said.

Imam Budi Hartono believes that the Imam-Ririn pair is approved by each central board or DPP PKS and the Golkar Party.

"God willing, it will be approved. It has been approved. It's 99 percent, one percent is just a prayer," said Imam Budi Hartono.

Furthermore, Imam Budi Hartono said the PKS and Golkar coalition opened the door wide for political parties that would join.

Because PKS and Golkar have the same goal, namely to build Depok City together.

"Together with NasDem, we want to build Depok together so that we open wide doors for all political parties together with PKS-Golkar to build Depok together," he said.

"Only three (partys) are still wide open. Others are closing the door, we are opening the door. The People's Party has stated that it supports Perindo. All community institutions join together to build Depok City," he said.

In addition, Imam Budi Hartono admitted that he was also intensely communicating with other political parties such as the Gerindra Party, PAN, PKB, and others.

"We all communication parties with the Gerindra party we communicate with PKB communications, PAN communications, all communication parties," he said.

Meanwhile, the chairman of the DPD of the Depok City Golkar Party, Farabi A Arafiq, said that the Imam-Ririn pair had been submitted to the West Java Golkar Party (Jabar) DPD and had sent a letter to the Golkar Party DPP.

"We have conveyed it to the West Java Golkar Party DPD," said Farabi A Arafiq, the husband of dr. Ririn.

Farabi A Arafiq added a Golkar Party coalition with PKS because he wanted to build Depok City together.

"What is clear is that we want to discuss building Depok together. Actually, Imam Budi Hartono has done it. We want it to be done faster. There is Golkar as a catalyst so that people are faster and better," he said.

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