BANDA ACEH - Three political parties in Aceh Province, which are members of the coalition of changes in the 2024 Presidential Election, are still building communication regarding the continuation of the coalition to deal with the Aceh Pilkada.

"Thank God there are still communications (with PKB and PKS)," said Secretary of the Aceh Nasdem DPW Zamzami in Banda Aceh, quoted by ANTARA, Friday, May 10.

The statement was conveyed in response to the request of PKB Chairman Muhaimin Iskandar alias Cak Imin during his visit to Aceh, hoping that the coalition of changes will continue in the Aceh Pilkada.

Zamzami said that basically Nasdem as a national party must see how the central leadership decides.

Then regarding the coalition of changes, so far it has only been described, but it is not yet certain whether it will continue or not for the Aceh Pilkada.

In the near future, the Nasdem DPW will announce who the Acehnese gubernatorial candidate will be in the 2024 Pilkada contestation.

"Will it be in line with PKB and PKS, we will see again after the declaration," he said.

He emphasized that Nasdem wanted to gain public trust and win the Pilkada. It is hoped that the figures promoted will also be in line with the changing coalition parties.

"We want victory, whether this coalition will be in line in Aceh. In essence, we see the opportunity and are able to develop the region," said Zamzami.

The same thing was conveyed by the Secretary of the Aceh PKB, Munawar Ngoh Wan, his party continued to build communication with both Nasdem and PKS regarding the change coalition.

However, the Aceh Governor's candidate itself has not been discussed, because the PKB is in the process of screening a number of names that can be carried later.

"The coalition, yes, related to prospective candidates, is still dynamic," said Munawar.

Meanwhile, PKS Aceh has declared itself to support the chairman of the Aceh Party Muzakir Manaf alias Mualem for the candidate for Governor of Aceh.

However, the Chairman of PKS Aceh Makhyaruddin Yusuf emphasized that his party is still opening communication with both Nasdem and PKB.

"PKS is open to communicating with all elements and all political parties. Both with Nasdem and PKB, as well as other parties. Don't close yourself," he said.

However, PKS does not seem to be for a coalition of changes, on the contrary, wanting PKB and Nasdem to join the Aceh Party coalition.

"I think we are building more communication, the development of Aceh in the future will be better if we work together," said Makhyaruddin.

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