Cathedral Church: The Day Of The Increase In Jesus Christ Becomes A Moment For Catholics To Play God
Illustration. (Photo: Doc. Antara)

JAKARTA - The Public Relations of the Cathedral Church, Susyana Suwadie, said that the Ascension Day of Jesus Christ is a good momentum to invite all Catholics to dare to explain God through sharing love with others.

"The day of the Ascension of the Lord Jesus Christ invites all Catholics to dare to become envoys in blaspheming Allah, who is love for more and more people," said Susyana, quoted from Antara, in Jakarta, Thursday, May 9.

Susyana said that as servants and agents of love for God, people must love each other and always help others as taught by Jesus so far.

On the other hand, it is hoped that the people will be more courageous in spreading this kindness, considering that they have experienced God's great love and are confident in His endless participation until the end of time.

" Jesus heals many people who do not know Allah, but have traces of faith and truth because they want to surrender to Jesus like a Siro-Fenesian woman for example," he said, giving an example of Jesus' kindness.

In addition, Jesus also involved Samaria women in reporters after meeting Jesus and willing to repent.

"The safety of Jesus is open to everyone who wants to believe in Him," he said.

Meanwhile, in today's time, the government through the Ministry of Religion (Kemenag), according to him, continues to strive to strengthen religious moderation through four indicators of strengthening, namely anti-violence, national commitment, tolerance and traditional friendly.

This can be proven by one of the concrete efforts of the Ministry of Religion through the amendation of the acronym of the Ascension Day of Jesus Christ as a form of respecting proposals from Catholic and Protestant Christians.

Therefore, Susyana hopes that Catholics can live side by side by mutual respect, tolerance and continue to spread love and kindness as taught by Jesus in order to create a harmonious and happy life in society.

"This effort must be supported by all religious adherents in Indonesia," said Susyana.

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