JAKARTA - The daily chairman of the Gerindra Party, Sufmi Dasco Ahmad, revealed that the name of the candidate for governor of DKI Jakarta who will be promoted in the 2024 Simultaneous Regional Elections is already in the pocket of General Chair Prabowo Subianto. He emphasized that Gerindra will make maximum efforts to win the Pilkada in Jakarta. "Pak Prabowo on several occasions has stated that several large areas and several important areas we must win including DKI Jakarta," Dasco told reporters in Central Jakarta, Thursday, May 9. "And in his pocket there are names that will later advance both as governor and deputy governor as a result of compromise with coalition parties," he added. Dasco leaked, one of the names to be carried was a cadre of the Gerindra Party. However, he was reluctant to reveal whether the cadre would be pushed as a candidate for governor or deputy governor.
" But InsyaAllah in option one or option two there are Gerindra Party cadres who will be placed as governor candidates or as deputy governor candidates," said Dasco.The reason is that, added Dasco, the Gerindra Party will cooperate with the Advanced Indonesian Coalition in the 2024 Pilkada. So communication is needed regarding the name of cagub and cawagub to be promoted."(But) We will competed all out together with the Advanced Indonesian Coalition party to win the leadership seat of the Special Region of Jakarta, "said Dasco.

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