MANADO - The Geological Agency of the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources (ESDM) noted that there were still minor eruptions of Mount Ruang in the Sitaro Islands Regency, North Sulawesi.

"The earthquake from May 8, 2024 to 06.00 WITA was recorded twice as small eruptions (weak pressure) and continuous tremors are still recorded through RUA4 station," said Muhammad Wafid as quoted by ANTARA, Wednesday, May 8.

The crater smoke was observed to be white with a thick intensity and a height of 200-400 meters above the crater peak.

The tremor earthquake was still recorded and smoke was observed to be white and gray with a moderate-thick intensity and a height of 100-700 meters above the peak, this still indicates that Mount Ruang activity is still high.

The current potential danger is in the form of an eruption that produces hot clouds, incandescent material, and exposure to volcanic ash that depends on the direction and speed of the wind and lahar when heavy rains fall around G. Space.

Based on the results of visual and instrumental monitoring, Mount Ruang's volcanic activity is still high and is set at level IV (awas).

The earthquake on May 1-7, 2024, was recorded at twice the Eruption earthquake, three avalanches, 78 shallow volcanic earthquakes and 19 deep volcanic earthquakes, five local tectonic earthquakes, 41 distant tectonic earthquakes and 17 continuous tremors.

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