The SAR team again evacuated 10 residents of Tibussan Village, who were isolated because they were affected by floods and landslides in Luwu Regency, South Sulawesi.

"Currently there are 10 residents of Tibussan Village, Latimojong District has been moved to a safer place, because it is feared that the village they live in is close to the Latimojong River, which can overflow again at any time," said Head of Makassar Basarnas Office Mexianus Bekabel quoted by ANTARA, Wednesday, May 8.

As many as 10 residents from Tibussan Village, said Mexi, had been evacuated to the main post at Andi Djemma Field, Belopa City, Luwu Regency.

"The Joint SAR team worked hand in hand to evacuate residents from Tibussan Village, who were previously isolated due to flooding and are now at the Main Command Post," he said.

The ten residents who were successfully evacuated were all male. They were transferred, because they were worried that they would begin to lack food availability and avoid the danger of overflowing the Latimojong river.

Based on population data, Latimojong District is located in a mountainous area with 12 villages, namely Rante Balla, Kadundung, Ulusalu, Lambanan, Tabang, Boneposi, Pangi, Pajang, Buntu Sarek, To'barru, Tibussan and Tolajuk villages. The total population is 6,609 people with 2,028 families (KK).

Based on data as of May 7, 2024, at 20.00 WITA, the number of isolated residents in Latimojongdan District was successfully evacuated by air and land to the Disaster Emergency Response Main Command Post in Belopa City, Luwu, as many as 208 people. The number of residents evacuated on Wednesday, May 8, 2024, was 10 people.

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