National Police Chief Gathering To LDII, Inviting Synergy To Maintain Security And Handling COVID-19
National Police Chief General Listyo Sigit Prabowo (Photo: Indonesian Police Public Relations)

JAKARTA - National Police Chief General Listyo Sigit Prabowo visited the office of the Central Leadership Council (DPP) of the Indonesian Islamic Da'wah Institute (LDII). The National Police Chief invited LDII to work together to maintain security and public order (kamtimbas).

"Of course, like our visit to other mass organizations, in this activity and opportunity that we from the National Police of course have programs which of course we always hope to synergize with mass organizations, especially LDII," General Listyo Sigit told reporters, Tuesday, 9 March.

"Because indeed we know that in carrying out our duties, in maintaining kamtibmas, we have to work together with programs related to kamtibmas issues," he continued.

Listyo Sigit said that cooperation with all Islamic organizations was very important. Especially to overcome the spread of COVID-19.

By cooperating with all parties, including Islamic organizations, the National Police Chief hopes that Indonesia's recovery from the pandemic can occur immediately.

"Of course we need to work together, and thank God, today we have a lot of discussions with the general chairman and all existing administrators so that the future programs that have been built so far. Such as activities from the community service and several activities that can be synergized in this field. go ahead and develop it, "said Listyo Sigit.

Meanwhile, Acting Chairman of LDII Chriswanto Santoso welcomed the invitation from the National Police to work together. For LDII, problems in Indonesia including the spread of COVID-19 are the responsibility of the government, including the community.

"DPP LDII understands that the problems of this nation are not only the responsibility of the government alone. However, as one of the components of this nation we also have the responsibility of making Indonesia safe and prosperous," said Chriswanto.

In the moment of this meeting, Chriswanto invited the Chief of Police to attend the 9th LDII national meeting (munas). The National Conference is planned to be held online from April 7-8.

"Incidentally, we will insyaallah on April 7-8 to hold the 9th LDII Congress. So this visit is at once, we ask him to be willing to give direction to the congress later because it will be heard by all of Indonesia online," said Chriswanto.

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