JAKARTA - Jusuf Kalla's 10th and 12th vice president views that the discourse of Prabowo Subianto which is said to increase the number of ministries to 40 while serving as President in 2024-2029 seems to lead to political interests.

"That means that it is no longer the work cabinet, it is not a cabinet zakan, but a more political cabinet. Yes of course, if it is only meant to accommodate politics, right," said JK when met at the Grand Sahid Hotel, Central Jakarta, Tuesday, May 7.

According to JK, if you want to increase the number of ministries, Prabowo must first change the laws governing ministries/agencies.

However, Prabowo must have a clear basis of need regarding the plan to increase the number of ministries to run the government.

"So, don't look at the ministry first. What is the program? Well, the organization has compiled the program, not the sub-coordinate first. What is to be done, then the organization is prepared," he explained.

Moreover, JK assesses that President Joko Widodo's cabinet structure, which now stands at 34, is quite proportional. This number is also greater than federal countries.

"If the organization needs 40, please. But if 35 34 is enough, it can actually be combined," he added.

Previously, the Deputy General Chairperson (Waketum) of the Gerindra Party, Habiburokhman, emphasized that the discourse on adding the ministerial nomenclature to 40 in the upcoming government was something good.

"If you really want to involve a lot of people, I don't think there is a problem either. In fact, the more, the better for me personally," he said.

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