CIAMIS - The perpetrators of the murder and mutilation that occurred in Ciamis, West Java, began undergoing psychiatric tests by specialist doctors. Although the psychological condition of the perpetrators is currently starting to stabilize, the perpetrator prefers to remain silent when examined by a doctor so that the examination will continue on Tuesday, May 7, 2024.

After the police raised the status of the perpetrator to be a suspect in the murder and mutilation case that occurred in Rancah District, Ciamis Regency, the suspect is currently undergoing a psychological test by a psychiatrist at the Ciamis Hospital, at the Ciamis Police Headquarters, Monday afternoon. It is known that the suspect named Tarsum, last Friday, had committed murder and mutilation to his own wife named Yanti.

According to ANTARA's observations in the field, Tarsum was seen wearing an orange shirt out of detention and escorted by officers to undergo a psychological test. The examination was carried out closed for approximately 1 hour and was closely guarded by members of the Ciamis Police.

Head of Criminal Investigation Unit of the Ciamis Police, AKP Joko Prihatin, said that when undergoing the examination, the suspect looked cooperative and could already be invited to communicate. However, the perpetrator prefers to be quiet when asked by the doctor.

"Today an examination has been carried out from the Ciamis Hospital, namely from Dr. Andi Fatimah, a psychiatrist. Psychologically, when examined, the suspect was more conducive, calm and did not react much when answering the doctor's examination, but he said the perpetrator was more silent when asked by the doctor," said AKP Joko Prihatin.

According to him, because the perpetrators were often silent when asked by the doctor, his party on the recommendation of the doctor to continue the examination the next day. So that his party has not been able to conclude with certainty the suspect's mental condition.

"For that, at this time we have not been able to conclude the results, which is clear for further information as a result of the examination from a psychiatric doctor, further examination will be carried out on Tuesday morning," he said.

AKP Joko added that the examination was carried out by a doctor and suspect. Currently, the suspect is again placed in the special detention of the Ciamis Police and is separated from other detainees to guard against unwanted things. "The suspect is currently still being held in special detention, and is separated by other prisoners," he added.

Meanwhile, the results of the psychological examination of the suspect Tarsum are planned to come out after the results of the second day of examination. The results of the psychiatric examination will be collected by the police to find out the exact motive behind the mutilation case.

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