The choice of figures to be promoted by the NasDem Party as a candidate for Governor of DKI Jakarta in the 2024 Pilkada is still unclear.

Previously, the General Treasurer of the NasDem DPP Sahroni was aggressively doing the gimic to advance in the DKI gubernatorial election, starting from installing billboards to bringing it up on his Instagram account.

However, recently NasDem opened space for Anies Baswedan to re-run in the 2024 DKI gubernatorial election.

Seeing this, a political observer from the University of Indonesia, Cecep Hidayat, said that Sahroni's political games have only recently been limited to checking waves or still observing the situation.

"He said he wanted to go to Jakarta, but now it's back again. It's just a wave check, or indeed the NasDem DPP recommendation didn't fall to him. It could be, right," Cecep told reporters, Monday, May 6.

According to Cecep, the General Chairperson of NasDem Surya Paloh has yet to give Sahroni the green light to run in the Jakarta regional election fight.

"Surya Paloh herself is pragmatic. She can see how potential candidates develop," he said.

Moreover, at this time Sahroni is seen as not yet having high electability as a candidate for leader in the DKI Jakarta Pilkada exchange.

"If you look at his track record on social media, he is active on social media. But, actually, he only displays as a successful Jakarta child," said Cecep.

Sahroni's assumption that he will run for the DKI gubernatorial election was strengthened when he said he was not afraid to fight all the candidates for the Governor of DKI in the future.

In fact, Sahroni still did not stop his intention even though President Joko Widodo's son, Kaesang Pangarep, also wanted to participate in the DKI Jakarta Pilkada contestation in the future.

"Anyone who wants to run for the Governor of DKI Jakarta, I am not afraid, even though Kaesang joined," said Sahroni in his Instagram account, amadsahroni88, Sunday, February 25.

The game about the DKI gubernatorial election match was also put forward by Sahroni when he commented on the image of the former West Java Governor Ridwan Kamil with the statement "OTW Jakarta hh".

Responding to the billboard "OTW Jakarta", he joked that Ridwan Kamil (RK) was an opponent who was easily defeated.

"It's just easy for RK. The opponent is too easy. Hehehe," said Sahroni when met at NasDem Tower, Cikini, Central Jakarta, Thursday, February 22.

However, recently the chairman of the NasDem Party DPP Willy Aditya said Anies Baswedan was a figure who was prioritized to be promoted in the DKI Regional Head Election.

"Yes, Mas Anies' priority is top priority," said Willy at the PKS DPP Office, South Jakarta, Saturday, April 27.

However, NasDem also prepared other names to anticipate Anies rejecting the offer. They include the General Treasurer of NasDem Ahmad Sahroni and Wibi Andrino, the Chairman of the DKI Jakarta NasDem DPW.

"After all, if we don't go forward, we are also ready for alternatives that we have tried to do," said Willy.

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