JAKARTA - Chairman of the DPP PAN Saleh Partaonan Daulay agreed with the message of the Coordinating Minister for Maritime Affairs and Investment, Luhut Binsar Pandjaitan to the elected president, Prabowo Subianto so as not to bring 'toxic' people into the cabinet. Saleh considered that the suggestion needed to be considered so that there would be no disturbances in running the government in the future.

"Maybe that's what Mr. Luhut reminded Pak Prabowo that people who have problems or he calls toxic people not a burden in the future government," said Saleh, Saturday, May 4. According to Saleh, if there are 'toxic' people in the government, those who are runyam do not carry out priority programs. However, the person is even trying to solve his own problems. "Well, that will certainly interfere with the running of the government in the future," he continued.

Therefore, Saleh considered that Luhut's message was a support for Prabowo so that he could run his leadership smoothly.

"I think what was said was very easy to understand," said Saleh.

Saleh also believes that Prabowo also understands very well about the selection of people who will help him in the Advanced Indonesia Cabinet (KIM). Because, he said, Prabowo is not new to politics in the country.

"I think Pak Prabowo understands because Pak Prabowo is not new to the national political stage. He was not only active in the military to generals, but also actively manages the third largest political party currently in Indonesia. So I don't think it's a new thing, Pak Prabowo already understands that," he concluded.

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