JAKARTA - The phenomenon of students fighting teachers in schools is an urgent concern.

No longer just as the sole authority in classrooms, teachers now have to face new challenges from students who are more daring at expressing their opinions.

The problem is when it triggers students' hatred for their teachers and has a negative impact, for example, students get angry, go on a school strike, their academic value goes down, or is difficult for the teacher to regulate. This phenomenon provides a little picture that a small part of education in Indonesia is not in a good state. Student events against teachers both directly and through legal channels are increasingly being heard.

Psychologist from the Indonesian Talenta Profile Yasinta Indrianti revealed that this behavior against teachers is also supported by the characteristics of teenagers who are in the era of searching for their identity, wanting to compete in showing their existence but sometimes unable to channel it properly.

To prevent students from fighting teachers at school, it is important to create an inclusive, safe, and supportive learning environment.

According to him, the steps that can be taken are that teachers need to build positive relationships with students by showing appreciation, empathy, and attention to their needs.

"Open communication is important to open open open communication channels between teachers and students. Students should feel comfortable conveying their problems or concerns," he told reporters, Tuesday, April 30.

In addition, he continued, giving students the opportunity to participate in decisions that affect students can give them a sense of belonging to the school environment.

Providing social skills training to students can help them learn how to communicate well, resolve conflicts constructively, and work together in the team.

"Currently students should be given positive activities with teacher support, for example creating competition so that students can compete in a healthy manner," he explained.

There are several positive competitions so that students can channel their ideas and talents by participating in various activities.

One of them is participating in the Yupi Good Talent event held by Yupi Gummy every year.

This year, Jupiteri Good Talent is the fifth year, with a total of thousands of participants each year. This is one effective way to inspire positive changes in everyday culture and behavior.

Yupi Good Talent is a talent search event for children and adolescents. This is where Indonesian children and teenagers can channel their creativity and express positive talents in the arts, namely singing, dancing and others such as story telling, gymnastic and playing music.

This is one effective way to inspire positive changes in everyday culture and behavior.

Children and adolescents can channel their energy to positive things and their creativity is an achievement that can be proud and inspiring. By participating in this positive competition, students' aggressive attitude towards their teachers can be minimized. This event can voice a positive and cheerful spirit," said Promotion Manager of PT Yupi Indo Jelly Gum, Addyono H. Koloway.

By taking these steps, schools can create a positive and supportive learning environment, where students feel appreciated, listened to, and actively engage in their educational processes.

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