Landslide Prone, South OKU BPBD Urges Residents To Be More Alert
South OKU Conditions (ANTARA/Edo Purmana/24)

SOUTH SUMSEL - The South Ogan Komering Ulu (OKU) region has recently been hit by extreme weather that has the potential to cause landslides. This is because the area has a hilly contour so it is more vulnerable in certain situations.

The Regional Disaster Management Agency (BPBD) of South OKU Regency, South Sumatra appealed to the local community to be more alert to the potential for landslides.

Head of the South OKU BPBD Emergency and Logistics Division, Heri Pramono in Muaradua, Wednesday, said the high rainfall that has occurred in the region since the last few days has the potential to cause landslides.

"During the April 2024 period alone, several landslides have occurred that closed road bodies in a number of sub-districts, but did not cause casualties," he said as quoted by ANTARA.

Therefore, the public is asked to increase awareness of the potential for landslides that can occur at any time.

As an effort to overcome it, his party has instructed volunteers in each sub-district to be prepared to face natural disasters so that landslides can be handled as early as possible.

In addition, the South OKU BPBD has also established posts in a number of areas mapped prone to landslides, including providing natural disaster management equipment.

"We have also installed signs at several road points that are prone to landslides as early warnings so that motorists are more careful when crossing these routes," he said.

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