JAKARTA - The former Secretary-General of the Ministry of Agriculture (Kementan), Kasdi Subagyono, is said to have asked for or paid 4.000 dollars to the General Bureau and Procurement of the Ministry of Agriculture.
This was conveyed by the former Coordinator of Household Subtances (Rumga), Arief Sopian, who was presented as a witness for the defendant Syahrul Yasin Limpo or SYL, Kasdi Subagyono, and Muhammad Hatta, in the case of alleged extortion and gratification at the Ministry of Agriculture.
It started when Chief Judge Rianto Adam Pontoh asked the witness to explain the requests of the defendants. So, Arief said that one of them was asked to prepare 4.000 dollars.
"The other means His Majesty, giving dollars," said Arief during a trial at the Corruption Court at the Central Jakarta District Court, Monday, April 29.
"D dollar request? From whom?" asked Judge Rianto
"From the Secretary General, Mr. Kasdi," Arief replied.
"Mr. Kasdi asked you to prepare a dollar. How much dollars?" said Judge Rianto.
"4 thousand dollars Your Majesty," replied Arief.
Judge Rianto studied Arief's statement by questioning the request directly from the defendant Kasdi or through other parties.
Witness Arief also said that the request was tiered. Only so, he was asked to prepare by the Head of the General Bureau and Procurement of the Ministry of Agriculture.
"His Majesty, Mr. Kasdi to the Head of Bureau," said Arief.
"So the Head of Bureau goes directly to you?" asked Judge Rianto.
"Yes, Your Majesty," replied Arief.
With this request, Arief prepared it by asking the echelons one at the Ministry of Agriculture.
"Finally, Saudra prepared 4 thousand dollars. Where did the 4 thousand dollars come from?" asked Hakim Rianto.
"That's from sharing, from Your Majesty's joint venture," Arief replied
"Oh from the echelon joint venture earlier?" asked Judge Rianto confirmed.
"That's right, Your Majesty," said Arief.
After the money requested to be collected, it was handed over to Kasdi, who was Syahrul Yasin Limpo's subordinate.
However, the handover was not direct but through Merdian as a personal secretary from Kasdi.
"A total of 4 thousand dollars, then who did the money go to?" asked Judge Rianto.
"To Merdian," replied Arief.
"Who is this merger? The personal secretary of the secretary-general?" asked the judge.
"That's right, Your Majesty," said Arief.
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