JAKARTA - Anies Baswedan said the Prosperous Justice Party (PKS) was at a crossroads after the 2024 presidential election.
"Now there is a road intersection, we have just entered another intersection, we already know that we will take turns, which one we are waiting for PKS to take," said Anies when giving a speech at the 22nd Anniversary of PKS at the PKS DPP office quoting Antara.
In his speech, Anies said that PKS is one of the parties that upholds consistent principles in politics.
This, continued Anies, was seen when PKS consistently supported the government of the Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono era and outside the Joko Widodo administration.
This consistency is what Anies considers a value held firmly by PKS in contributing to building the nation through political channels.
Anies also believes that whatever path PKS takes after the presidential election will be fought consistently for the benefit of the nation.
"What is certain is that consistency is one of the characters from PKS," he said.
At the same time, PKS President Ahmad Syaikhu said his party could not confirm PKS's move to enter the government coalition.
"Not yet, this (PKS joins the coalition) is the realm of the Syuro Council Deliberation, I have great respect, later it will be decided by the Shura Council or the Syuro Council Working Body," he said.
Previously, two parties in the changing coalition, namely PKB and NasDem, had expressed their stance to support the Prabowo-Gibran government.
The question of this attitude had already been carried out in a meeting conducted by PKB General Chair Muhaimin Iskandar to Prabowo on Wednesday (24/4).
The next day, it was the turn of the General Chairperson of the NasDem Party, Surya Paloh, who met Prabowo in Kartanegara VI, South Jakarta to declare cooperation in the government coalition.
This condition makes PKS the only party that is currently still on the verge of entering a major coalition or opposition.
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