DIY - Police destroyed 31 kilograms (kg) of firecracker powder or firecrackers in the Depok Beach area, Parangtritis, Kretek District, Bantul, Yogyakarta Special Region (DIY).

The Commander of the Gegana Jibom Team, Gegana, the Brimob Unit of the Yogyakarta Police, Kompol Suripto, said that the entire powder of firecrackers was evidence that was secured from the public during the raid by the Bantul Police during Ramadan 1445 Hijriah.

"This is a disposal activity that in this case indicates objects related to explosives, both 'low explosive' and 'high explosive', but what we are doing is low explosive which is based on KCLO4," he said in Bantul, DIY, Friday, April 26, confiscated by Antara.

According to him, the purpose of destroying the firecrackers is to secure the explosives so that things don't happen that we don't want.

He also appealed to the public if they still have firecrackers or firecrackers to immediately report them to the authorities, namely the Sector Police (polsek) or the local police to prevent unwanted things.

"Explosives owned by ordinary people are very dangerous, especially if there are quite a lot of ownership, it can trigger an explosion that can destroy houses and can also cause casualties," he said.

He said the explosion of fireworks raw materials in the Pandak District, Bantul some time ago should be a lesson for the community.

"Although low explosive explosives can still be dangerous if the number is large and then explodes. Therefore, what is safe is being destroyed, like today's activities," he said.

Meanwhile, the Head of Criminal Investigation Unit of the Bantul Police, AKP Bayu Sila Pambudi, said that the destruction of powder from firecracker raw materials came from surgery during the 2024 fasting month carried out by the Bantul Police.

"From the active operation, a total of 31 kilograms of firecracker raw materials were secured. This must be destroyed immediately, because if the explosives are stored for too long and the improper storage method is very risky," he said.

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