KPK Highlights Free Lunch Program, Prabowo-Gibran Make Sure It's Done According To The Rules
Chairman of TKN Prabowo-Gibran Rosan Roeslani (Nailin/VOI)

Chairman of TKN Prabowo-Gibran Rosan Roeslani responded to the KPK's warning to the free lunch program that will be run by the Prabowo Subianto-Gibran Rakabuming Raka government. Rosan ensured that the implementation of the program was in accordance with applicable regulations.

"That is a priority program. Of course, this free lunch program will be carried out by referring to all existing regulations, all existing policies," said Rosan after attending the appointment of Prabowo and Gibran as winners of the 2024 presidential election at the KPU, Wednesday, April 24.

Rosan said the benefits of the free lunch program would be received by approximately 80 million Indonesians. "So that the principles of the benefits to all Indonesian people can be felt, especially for pregnant women, to our students, our younger siblings, which number up to 80 million people," he continued. Previously, the KPK highlighted the issue of the free lunch program to be carried out by the President and the elected Vice President Prabowo Subianto-Gibran Rakabuming Raka. The KPK stated that it would look at the plan to implement the program and then provide input on the gap in corruption that might occur.

"I will first see what the details are, then we will see about where there is the potential for corruption that we can prevent," said KPK Deputy Prevention and Monitoring Pahala Nainggolan, at his office, Jakarta, Tuesday, April 23.

Pahala ensured that the KPK would not question where the budget source came from to carry out the free lunch program. According to him, the most important thing is to make the budget available without being corrupted.

"If our budget doesn't bother, where do we want to take it, it's up to the government," he said.

Even so, according to him, the implementation of the free lunch program is classified as massive. So that the program is likely to be carried out up to the village level. Due to this broad and complicated distribution pattern, corruption prevention must be carried out.

If not, said Pahala, cases will appear such as high prices, but poor quality of food.

"The most dangerous thing is because it is massive and this is a matter of procurement, about auctions, about price expensive, the price story is true but the quality to the field is not true," he said.

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