JAKARTA - Vice President-elect Gibran Rakabuming Raka is still waiting for his official inauguration schedule as vice president [the 2024-2029 period which will be held on October 20, 2024. While waiting, Gibran admitted that he would "shopping for trouble" that occurred in the community.

"Ladies and gentlemen, whom I respect, the inauguration is still in half a year, I still serve as mayor of Surakarta, the mayor of Solo. I want it for the next 6 months, I also want to shop for as many problems as possible," said Gibran, Wednesday 24 April.

The expenditure on the problem that Gibran meant was that it could alleviate the problem of poverty, education, stunting problems, and nutritional problems. He said he needed input from residents when conducting direct visits.

"We want a program that really knows the public that I often explain during debates, does anyone watch the debate? Indonesia is gold in 2045, only this time we are lucky that Indonesia got this demographic bonus," said Gibran.

Gibran's blusukan agenda was carried out after being appointed by the KPU as the elected presidential and vice presidential pair, not just during the campaign period. He will continue to make blusukan to residents to find out the problems that occur directly in all regions in Indonesia.

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