JAKARTA - Former Secretary-General of the Ministry of Agriculture (Kementan), Merdian Tri Hadi revealed that there was a meeting between Kasdi Subagyo and Muhammad Hatta and the Deputy General Chair of NasDem, Ahmad Ali. The meeting occurred when the Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) investigated cases of alleged corruption in the form of extortion and gratification at the Ministry of Agriculture. The disclosure of this began when Chief Justice Rianto Adam Pontoh questioned whether or not there was a meeting between two top officials of the Ministry of Agriculture and a NasDem Party politician. "Once, Your Honor (meetings)," Merdian said in a trial at the Corruption Court at the Central Jakarta District Court, Wednesday, April 24. "Where?" asked the judge. "I forgot the name of the house, but in the West Jakarta area," replied Mardian. Then, Judge Rianto asked about the figure of NasDem politician who was interpreted. Mardian also mentioned the name of the Deputy Head of NasDem Ahmad Ali. "Do you still remember the name of the council member from the NasDem party?" asked the judge. "Mr. Ahmad Ali," said Merdian. However, Merdian did not know the purpose of the meeting, including the things discussed. Because, at that time, he was just waiting in the parking lot. "Did you enter the house you said in West Jakarta?" asked the judge. "I was waiting in the parking lot," replied Merdian. "Who entered who?" said the judge. "Mr. Kasdi and Pak Hatta," he said. "What are they talking about knowing?" asked the judge again. "I don't know," said Merdian. Hearing this testimony, Judge Rianto continued to explore it. Because, he was also questioned about other meetings. Merdian also agreed by saying that it took place in NasDem Tower. "Then, then from the meeting in June 2023, yes, is there a follow-up later?" asked the judge. "There is a next meeting at the NasDem DPP office. In Gondangdia, Your Majesty," said Merdian During the meeting, it was said that only Kasdi Subagyo was present. Because Muhammad Hatta did not come. "Try to remember. When at the NasDem Tower was the defendant SYL there?" asked the judge. "Nothing," replied Merdian.
In his testimony, Merdian admitted that he did not know who Kasdi was meeting. Only what is remembered is that the meeting was quite short. "Mr. Kasdi, who is facing you?" asked the judge. "I don't know," said Merdian. "Are you still facing Pak Ahmad Ali, initial or have you had talks with the chairman?" asked the judge confirmed. "I don't know Your Majesty, because I didn't go into Your Majesty. Mr. Kasdi was picked up below, I didn't come," said Merdia.

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