JAKARTA - The police closed two sides of Jalan Imam Bonjol, Central Jakarta, from the direction and to the Indonesian Roundabout Bus Stop (HI) by placing the guardrail in front of the Indonesian General Election Commission (KPU) Office on Wednesday, April 24. Meanwhile, HOS Cokroaminoto Street is still open to both sides., guarded by a number of police.

Related to this, TransJakarta diverted the 4C route for the Merdeka Youth-Junior Senayan relation, while the direction of the Senayan Roundabout did not serve at stop buses for KPU and Graha Mandiri.

Previously, Central Jakarta Metro Police Chief Kombes Pol Susatyo Purnomo Condro appealed to protest participants to pay attention to the rights of other communities, avoid commotion and clashes with other demonstrators.

Then for security, he said as many as 4,266 joint personnel from the National Police and the TNI assisted by Pol.PP and the Transportation Service were on standby to secure citizen demonstrations this morning.

He also said that none of the personnel involved in security carried firearms or sharp weapons. The personnel are reminded to act persuasively, not provoked, prioritize negotiations, humane services and carry out tasks according to procedures. "This activity (of demonstrations) is our momentum and history in carrying out our duties. Serve our brothers who will convey their opinions humanely and professionally," said the Police Chief.

As for today, the General Election Commission (KPU) of the Republic of Indonesia held a determination of the winner of the 2024 presidential election for the elected presidential and vice presidential candidate pairs at the KPU RI Office, Central Jakarta. This determination was made less than three days after the reading of the Constitutional Court's (MK) decision regarding the dispute over the election results.

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