JAKARTA - PAN Deputy Yandri Susanto commented on the candidate pair 03 Ganjar Pranowo-Mahfud MD who had not confirmed his presence at the KPU in the agenda of determining the elected President and Vice President of the Republic of Indonesia for the period 2024-2029. According to Yandri, the presence or absence of Paslon 03 or Paslon 01 will not affect the determination of the 02 victory in the 2024 presidential election. Yundri initially stated that the presence or absence of the two rivals Prabowo-Gibran was the right of Paslon 01 and 03. "Yes, this is the official agenda of the KPU and the KPU has invited all parties, yes, both the supporting political parties and the candidate pairs. The problem they did not come, I think it depends on them. So we cannot reach them, they must be present or not attend," said Yandri at the KPU, Wednesday, April 24. However, Yandri emphasized that the 2024 election process had been completed after the decision of the Constitutional Court (MK) regarding the Election Result Dispute (PHPU). Currently, he said, it was the turn of the KPU's obligation to determine the candidate pair.

"In the Constitutional Court, it has been decided that all lawsuits 01 03 were rejected, and the winner was 02. So today's agenda has no effect on 01.03 to attend or not attend," said the Deputy Chairperson of the MPR.

It is known that Paslon 03 Ganjar Pranowo-Mahfud MD did not appear on the agenda of determining the winner of the 2024 presidential election at the KPU. Meanwhile, Paslon 01 Anies Baswedan-Muhaimin Iskandar arrived after Paslon 02 Prabowo Subianto-Gibran Rakabuming Raka arrived at the KPU at 09.49 WIB.

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