JAKARTA - TikToker Galih Loss or Galih Noval Aji Prakoso has been named a suspect in the alleged blasphemy case. In this case, Galih was threatened with imprisonment for 6 years.
The criminal threat against Galih is because investigators suspect Article 28 paragraph 2 of Law Number 11 of 2008 concerning ITE and Article 156 a of the Criminal Code.
"For violations of Article 28 paragraph (2), he is sentenced to a maximum imprisonment of 6 years," said Director of Special Criminal Investigation at the Metro Jaya Police, Kombes Ade Safri Simanjuntak in his statement, Tuesday, April 23.
Currently, Galih Loss is officially being held at the Polda Metro Jaya detention center as of Tuesday, April 23.
Apart from criminal sanctions, Ade said that from the results of the examination, Galih Loss deliberately made the video. However, the goal is not to insult or blaspheme a religion.
To investigators, TikToker, known for the phrase 'What is it?' admitted that the making of the video was only for profit in the form of money.
"The purpose in question is to create all the video content in the account to find endorsements," said Ade.
Allegations of blasphemy by Galih Loss are suspected to be related to video content uploaded to his personal TikTok account, Galihoss3.
Where, in one of the videos shows Galih playing guesses with a boy.
Starting from Galih asking questions about what animals can recite the Koran. The boy who was next to him answered several times but was always wrong.
Until finally, Galih mentioned the animal in question by embedding the sentence ta'awud.
"Auuuudzubillalahiminasyaitonirojim. Is that right? What animal does that mean?" asked Galih Loss.
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