Police Are Looking For 8 Family Members Running From The Food Bill Of IDR 6.5 Million, 7 Restaurants Become Victims
Restaurant illustration. (Unsplash-Sandra Seitamaa)

JAKARTA - The police are looking for a family of eight members who often run from bills after eating at restaurants in the United Kingdom.

The family last disappeared from an Italian restaurant in Wales on a bill of food they cost around 329 or around Rp. 6.5 million.

The restaurant named Bella totaled in Port living, Wales, saying the family ordered expensive international steak, 15 drinks and desserts.

Quoting Metro.co.uk, Monday, April 22, the mother in the family tried to pay with a bank debit card, but was rejected twice.

He then told Bellakel's employees she wanted to take another bank debit card outside while her son was waiting at the restaurant. However, both the mother and son disappeared and ran away from the restaurant bill.

The restaurant manager then posted CCTV footage of the family's action on social media this weekend with the intention of identifying the perpetrators revealed.

After the incident at the PortELau restaurant, another restaurant reported that it experienced something similar to the alleged perpetrators of the same family.

However, Port Batton admitted that they were disappointed regarding the police's response to following up on the Rp6.5 million incident that had not been paid.

Other restaurants targeted by the family's fraudulent practices, including Yards in Cowbridge, River House in Swansea, and La Casone in Skewen. Police said the number of victims from the family's action was predicted to number seven restaurants.

This action was followed up by the police by urging a number of restaurants in the United Kingdom to be careful.

The police said the family was threatened with a sentence of up to two years in prison if they were caught on charges of running from a bill after eating at a restaurant for the past eight months.

The police also said that one family was led by a middle-aged husband and wife who even took their child in a baby seat.

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