Pregnant Woman Dies In Kelapa Gading Shophouse Has Dark Relations With Perpetrators For 3 Years
The alleged perpetrator of the murder of a pregnant woman in Kelapa Gading Jakut/ Photo: IST

JAKARTA Tangkapnya AT, terduga pelaku pembunuhan wanita hamil, RN (34) di ruko Jalan Boulevard, Kelapa Gading, Jakarta Utara, mengungkap status hubungan antara korban dengan pelaku. Menurut Kapolsek Kelapa Gading, Kompol Maulana Mukarom, hubungan keduanya bukan pasangan suami istri (couple) meski mereka memiliki 3 anak.

"So the relationship between the perpetrator and the victim is an illicit relationship. This woman has a husband and child," said Kelapa Gading Police Chief, Kompol Maulana Mukarom when confirmed, Monday, April 22.

He said that the relationship between the victim and the perpetrator had been going on for three years. It was as if they looked like a couple.

"They have been in a relationship for up to 3 years, like husband and wife," he said.

Maulana said, before the murder, the relationship between the perpetrator and the victim was not harmonious. There are frequent quarrels.

"It's no longer harmonious," he said.

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