JAKARTA - The Traffic Directorate of the South Sulawesi Police (Sulsel) appealed to users of the Maros-Bone axis road to use alternative routes to avoid landslide material in Tompo Ladang, Mallawa District, Maros Regency.

"The avalanche material at the location is not clean, so drivers should go through two alternative routes that have been prepared," said South Sulawesi Police Traffic Director (Dirlantas) Kombes Pol I Made Agus Prasatya, Antara, Sunday, April 21.

He said the two alternative routes could go through the Bulu Dua area in Soppeng or the southern route through Sinjai Regency.

According to him, the two lanes were declared safe for all types of vehicles to pass, so that long queues of vehicles did not need to occur.

Previously, the landslide material that was still covering the Maros-Bone Axis Line in Tompo Ladang, Mallawa District, Maros Regency caused traffic to be paralyzed and congestion reached about 7 kilometers.

Local officials have deployed two units of heavy equipment to get rid of landslide material and it is hoped that traffic conditions will return to normal soon.

According to the motorcyclists they met, they were detained for about seven hours at a location around Tompo Ladang, finally decided to turn back to alternative routes.

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