MARTAPORE - Achievements can come from anywhere. Class IIA Karang Intan Narcotics Correctional Institution (Lapas) ranks from the Regional Office of the Ministry of Law and Human Rights of South Kalimantan (Kemenkumham Kalsel) managed to become the second winner of the 60th Inmate's Got Talent Day of Correctional Service (HBP) in 2024.
"The collaboration of the traditional music group, Intan Pengayoman, with the modern music group Diamond Band, which performed a song entitled Welcome to Banjarmasin, brought the second winner Karang Intan Prison," said Head of the Karang Intan Narcotics Prison Wahyu Susetyo in Martapura, Banjar Regency, quoted from ANTARA, Saturday, April 20.
The music group, which consists of inmates, was able to set aside hundreds of participants from various Correctional Technical Implementation Units throughout Indonesia.
The Karang Intan prison team only lost to the Class IIB Batang Prison which became the first winner.
While the third place was won by the Class IIA Women's Prison in Kerobokan and the winner of the hope for the Class I Cipinang Detention Center as well as the favorite champion of the Class IIA Pematang Siantar Prison.
The announcement of the winner was made by the Directorate General of Corrections (Ditjenpas) through the Instagram social media account @ditjenpas, and the overall appearance of the winners can be seen on the Ditjenpas Youtube channel, PASTV Ditjenpas @Ditjenpemasyarakasi.
Wahyu said he was proud of the extraordinary achievements of the inmates who had shown their talents in the field of music.
Wahyu said that this achievement was also proof that the music development that had been held so far was successful.
The national achievement made by residents of the Karang Intan Narcotics Prison was also appreciated by the Head of the Correctional Division of the South Kalimantan Ministry of Law and Human Rights, Said Mahdar, who said that it could trigger the enthusiasm of other prisons in South Kalimantan to be able to show similar achievements.
"This is the importance of coaching in prisons, how do we create better individuals and explore the potential of the inmates," he said representing the Head of the South Kalimantan Ministry of Law and Human Rights Regional Office, Taufiqurrakhman.
Inmates Got Talent is an art competition to explore the abilities and talents of the inmates while participating in coaching in prisons.
The Inmates Got Talent event is also intended to explore the creativity of inmates according to interests and talents, which is expected to be able to improve the positive image of Corrections.
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