JAKARTA - The closer the day of reading the verdict on the results of the 2024 presidential election dispute hearing, the plans to hold an action were increasing. Until Prabowo Subianto again gave an appeal to his supporters to cancel his action today, Friday 19 April 2024 in front of the Constitutional Court building. This appeal was not the first time given by Prabowo. It has been the umpteenth time since the campaign period, he asked his supporters not to be arrogant to other candidate pairs supporters.

The nearly 7-minute appeal video was uploaded on the GerindraTV youtube channel at 8 this morning. In the video, Prabowo mentions that he and his vice presidential candidate, Gibran Rakabuming Raka, have received many baseless accusations, one of which is campaigning using social assistance. This is also said to provoke reactions from his supporters who intend to hold a demonstration in front of the Constitutional Court building. The appeal is aimed at maintaining the coolness of democracy, national unity and integrity, to harmony between Indonesian people.

The field coordinator of the peaceful demonstration supporting Prabowo-Gibran, Ali Lubis also confirmed that he had canceled the submission of 10 thousand volunteer documents to be submitted as amicus theft or court friends to the Constitutional Court. Ali asked the supporters to obey Prabowo's direction and not to attend the Constitutional Court.

It is known that the decision on the results of the 2024 presidential election dispute will be read out by the Constitutional Court on Monday morning, April 22. The decision will determine the fate of the results of the 2024 presidential election which was held in February. Watch the video below.

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