JAKARTA - Deputy Chairman of the Indonesian Ulema Council (MUI) of Lebak Regency, Banten KH Ahmad Hudori emphasized that contract marriage is illegal and the law is haram because it only prioritizes sex satisfaction and business elements.
"The contract marriage contract (Marriage) is illegal and it is the same as committing adultery between the two," he said in Rangkasbitung, Lebak, Antara, Thursday, April 18.
Currently, there are cases of prostitution with contract marriage mode with a middle eastern man in Cianjur, West Java. Previously, contract marriages often occurred in Cianjur and Sukabumi.
Actually, in Islam, there is no term contract marriage, also based on fiqih that contract marriage is haram. "Marriing a contract is invalid and if marriage is invalid, of course it is the same for the perpetrator to commit adultery," he explained.
According to him, people with Shia understanding think that contract marriages or mut'ah marriages are allowed for certain reasons.
However, various religious organizations in the country, such as Nahdlatul Ulama (NU) and the Indonesian Ulema Council (MUI) forbid the contract marriage or mut'ah marriage.
In the nash Al Quran the purpose of marriage is to make peace and establish the love of the two husband/wife couples forever to build a household.
Thus, the law of contract marriage is clearly prohibited in Indonesia and is not recorded in the Office of Religious Affairs (KUA).
Because, marriage must have a guardian, there must be a wife by the guardian and there is also a witness, and marriage is forever. So far, he said, contract marriage is only likened to women making goods that must serve people who sign them, because they are already bound by business.
MUI Lebak forbids the law of contract marriage because there is no standard law that has been explained in books and sunnahs from thalak, iddah and heritage, so that it is no different from invalid state marriages.
In addition, the Lebak Regency MUI appreciates the police for the two female pimp suspects, namely Lilis Rahmawati (54) and Rikma Nur Ulfiah (21) who are currently being investigated by the Cianjur Police regarding the prostitution case under the guise of contract marriage with foreigners.
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