JAKARTA - The National Police said that they would monitor the violation of the Extraordinary Congress or KLB of the Democratic Party which was held in North Sumatra (North Sumatra). This is because the event is prone to violations of health protocols (prokes).

"Such activities will of course be monitored by the local (North Sumatra) Regional Police," said Karo Penmas, Police Public Relations Division, Brigadier General Rusdi Hartono, to reporters, Friday, March 5.

The COVID-19 Task Force has also participated in monitoring suspected health prokes violations. Given that the event was held during the COVID-19 epidemic.

"The problem with all kinds of health protocols is that the COVID-19 Task Force in each area will monitor it all," he said.

Meanwhile, when asked about the permit for event violations, Rusdi said he could not confirm this. So far, no information has been received regarding this matter.

"We'll check the matter first," he said. For information, the Democrat Party Extraordinary Congress (KLB) was held in Deli Serdang on Friday, March 5.

Former Chairman of the Democratic Party (PD) Supervisory Commission (PD) HM Darmizal MS stated, most of the Chairmen of the DPD and the Chair of the DPC PD have conveyed their willingness to attend the event.

"The founders of the Party, the Chairmen of the DPD and DPC, the Leaders of Wing Organizations such as AMD, KMD, BMD and GMD as well as administrators throughout the country, have confirmed their visits (to KLB)," Darmizal said in a statement.

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