JAKARTA - Spokesperson for the Public Relations Division of the National Police, Kombes Police Harry Goldenhardt, said that as many as 186,136 vehicles entered Jakarta on D+2 Lebaran or Saturday (13/4). "The volume of traffic flows entering Jakarta via five GTs (Toll Gate) is 186,136 vehicles, while the volume of traffic flows that came out is 132,244 vehicles," said Harry in a statement received in Jakarta, Sunday. He explained that the five toll gates were GT Cikupa Utama as many as 48,081 vehicles, 5,711 vehicles via GT Merak, 45,291 GT Cikampek Utama, 47,066 vehicles via GT Kalihurip Utama, and 39,987 vehicles from GT Ciawi Utama.. The 31,179 vehicles leaving Jakarta via GT Cikupa Utama, 6,459 vehicles via GT Merak, 24,770 vehicles via GT Cikampek Utama, 35,905 vehicles crossing GT Kalihurip Utama, and 33,931 vehicles passing through GT Ciawi Utama.

Meanwhile, he said that there were 31 ships operating from Bakauheni Port to Merak on D+2 Lebaran with 86 trips, with 61,218 passengers and a total of 14,507 vehicles.

"The whole community is advised to cooperate, be orderly, queue, and be patient. ASDP and Polri as well as relevant stakeholders (takers of interest, ed) will continue to provide services to travelers, so that they are comfortable, safe, and cheerful homecoming full of meaning this year," he said. He also appealed to the public to be able to drive safely, especially on traffic engineering routes during the return flow. "Enforce physical health in good condition and prioritize driver and passenger safety, properly check the condition of your post-homecoming vehicle before returning to their respective homes, as well as orderly and obey road signs as existing regulations," he appealed., he appealed to the public to ensure information related to the return flow from Korlantas Polri and officers in the field. "If you are tired, it is hoped that you will not force yourself and maximally drive for four hours. Then, you can rest at the rest of the toll road area or go out on the arterial route that has been provided," he said.

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