JAKARTA - Said MPR Chairman Bambang Soesatyo, the 2024 '2029 government cabinet needs to be filled with competent figures and have loyalty. The cabinet can also have a professional background as well as from political parties.

"The presidential assistants must be able to work 1 x 24 hours for 365 days in 5 years throughout 2024' 2029," said Bamsoet in a statement received in Jakarta, Friday, April 12.

Bamsoet explained that members of the upcoming government cabinet must be able to oversee and execute the policies of the elected president.

In addition, he supports plans to separate several ministries, such as the Ministry of Public Works and Public Housing, or the Ministry of Environment and Forestry.

"Later, the presidential assistant must have a new spirit, new work collective, and nomenclature of the new ministry, new challenges, but still wrapped with a commbinative strategic depth, the successor to Joko Widodo-Ma'ruf Amin's Cabinet policy today," he said.

He reminded that currently the world is facing challenges due to war and natural disasters that can affect domestic conduciveness.

Therefore, Bamsoet invites all elements of the nation to unite for the sake of the nation and state.

"Moreover, we are currently in the midst of the threat of world economic depression which will definitely affect Indonesia's defense and security situation. It is proven that every prolonged political commotion tends to be more and will worsen Indonesia's economic and social stability," he explained.

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