JAKARTA - PT Kereta Api Indonesia (Persero) (KAI) Daop 1 Jakarta predicts that the peak of backflow in its area will occur on Monday (15/4) with the number of passengers returning to Jakarta and its surroundings reaching 44,408 people.

"For backflow monitoring, the peak will occur on April 15, 2024, there are 44,408 passengers," said KAI Daop 1 Jakarta Public Relations Manager Ixfan Hendriwintoko as reported by ANTARA, Wednesday, April 10.

Meanwhile, data on arrivals today shows that 5,718 passengers disembarked at Gambir Station and 13,386 passengers disembarked at Pasar Senen Station.

As for the departure of the homecoming flow, he said that 43,856 passengers departed from various stations in the KAI Daop 1 Jakarta working area today.

This number includes 16,434 passengers departing from Gambir Station, 18,825 passengers from Pasar Senen Station, while the rest from various other stations.

Ixfan stated that today his party operates a total of 41 long-distance train trips from Gambir Station and 34 trips from Pasar Senen Station with favorite cities that are still the destination of the community after Eid, including Surabaya, Malang, Solo, Yogyakarta, Kutoarjo, Semarang, and Purwokerto.

He conveyed that 216,663 departure tickets or 18,055 tickets per day were still available during H1 and H2 Eid Al-Fitr until D+10 Lebaran or until April 21.

He also appealed to passengers who already have Eid transportation tickets to re-check their respective train departure schedules so that they don't get the wrong ride or fall behind.

"Meanwhile, since the start of the Eid transportation period from March 31, 2024, the number of long-distance train travelers based on observations to date (H1 Idul Fitri), the total number of departing customers is 684,033 people," said Ixfan.

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