JAKARTA - Presidential Candidate Ganjar Pranowo performed Eid prayers at Dolo Field, Sleman, Wednesday, April 10, Dolo Field was chosen because it was not far from the new residence of the former Central Java Governor in Sleman Regency.

Ganjar left his house, at around 06.10 WIB. Ganjar prayed ied accompanied by his wife, Siti Atikoh Supriyanti and his son Muhammad Zinedine Alam Ganjar.

Ganjar is seen wearing a black skullcap, a suit combined with a black and white stripe shirt and sarong. Meanwhile, Alam wears a brown koko shirt and sarong.

Ganjar's arrival was immediately greeted with enthusiasm by the residents. Those who were present early were scrambling to shake hands with Ganjar and his family who are now part of the residents of Sleman.

"Happy Eid al-Fitr, Mr. Ganjar, congratulations on being a new resident of Sleman," said several residents.

During Salat, Ganjar was in the first dose of the ranks of the men's congregation with Alam who was beside him. Meanwhile, his wife Atiqoh, who wore a black and brown robe, was in the second row of shaf for the women's congregation

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