DKI Jakarta Provincial Government Nets More Than 500 Homeless People During Ramadan 2024
Raids on the need for social welfare services (PPKS) in Kolong Jembatan Pipa Air, Jalan Kebon Jati, Tanah Abang District, Central Jakarta, Friday (4/11/2022). (Between/Ulfa Jainta/aa)

JAKARTA - The Provincial Government (Pemprov) of DKI Jakarta has more than 500 need for social welfare services (PPKS) in five administrative cities in joint operations during Ramadan 2024.

"Based on data, the results of controlling PPKS during Ramadan from the beginning to Tuesday, April 9, 2024, 596 PPKS were netted," said Head of DKI Jakarta Social Service (Dinsos) Premi Lasari when contacted by Antara in Jakarta, Tuesday.

He admitted, to respond to the phenomenon of the rise of PPKS starting from homeless people, cart people, silver people, scavengers, buskers, beggars and so on during Ramadan, his party carried out several handlings.

The DKI Social Service through the Task Force (Satgas) of Services, Supervision, Social Control (P3S) at the five-regional service and service levels (sudin) continues to intensify monitoring, dispelling, and controlling PPKS.

Monitoring is carried out to focus on places of worship such as large mosques to ensure the peace of Muslims in worship, especially in times before breaking the fast until the tarawih is over.

In addition, in handling PPKS, Social Service personnel do two ways, namely a persuasive way, namely by providing education, appeals, advice and motivation, then a coercive way, namely controlling and referring to social institutions.

"All of the PPKS are referred to the Community Development Insani Bangun Daya (PSBI BD) 1 and PSBI BD 2 for basic guidance," said Premi.

He said that the control and screening of PPKS was in collaboration with the DKI Jakarta Satpol PP to carry out joint patrols in the regencies/cities of the agglomeration border area, namely Tangerang City, South Tangerang, Depok and Bekasi.

Furthermore, Premi said that his party also made efforts to return abandoned people from Jakarta to several areas such as Lampung, Semarang, Surabaya, Cilacap and Tasikmalaya, in collaboration with Perum Damri.

Premi appealed to the public if they wanted to make donations, alms, zakat or donations, it would be better if given to trusted institutions.

This becomes more useful than giving on the road that will create people's desire to expect alms on the streets.

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