Make Sure The Safety Of Homecoming Is Left Behind, Tangerang Police Increase Patrol
Police Apple (ANTARA)

TANGERANG - Tangerang Police carried out monitoring activities in houses whose residents left to travel for Eid Al-Fitr 2024 homecoming. This aims to ensure that there are no crimes in their jurisdiction. "We are doing this as a form of activity to anticipate the occurrence of criminal acts such as theft of property belonging to residents who were left behind while carrying out this year's Eid homecoming," Tangerang Police Criminal Investigation Unit Head, Kompol Arief N Yusuf in his statement, Tuesday, April 9. Arief also said this activity was a form of his party's commitment to ensure security in the midst of people traveling back and forth. Therefore, his party mobilized the entire ranks of the Satreskrim to patrol every residential or residential area and the residents' kamling posts in their jurisdiction.

In addition, members who are tasked with providing security and order messages to the public should always be aware of street crimes and urge each other to coordinate in maintaining security. "So we increase patrols to residential and sub-district locations to security posts and security posts. All Satreskrim investigators carry out kamtibmas activities," he explained.

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