D-1 Lebaran Nagreg Bandung Line Direction Garut Seringg
The traffic flow situation on D-1 Lebaran in the Cagak Nagreg area, Bandung Regency, West Java, Tuesday (9/4/2024). (ANTARA)

BANDUNG - The Bandung Regency Transportation Service in West Java said that the peak of the Lebaran 2024 homecoming flow on the Nagreg Route from the direction of Bandung Regency towards Garut and Tasikmalaya Regencies had been passed. The Public Relations Coordinator of the Lebaran Security Post of the Badung Regency Transportation Service Eric Alam Prabowo said that the traffic flow on Monday or D-2 Lebaran 2024 was more than Sunday (7/4) or D-3 Lebaran 2024. Volume of vehicles on the Nagreg Line experienced a peak of homecoming flow in H-2 yesterday with 113,298 vehicles passing to Nagreg," Eric said, quoted by ANTARA, Tuesday 9 April. Eric explained, for the number of vehicles crossing the Nagreg Line increased by about five percent on D-2 Lebaran 2024 compared to the previous day. Compared to H-3, there was an increase of about 5 percent. Because on D-3 there were as many as 108,000 vehicles and H-2 rose to 113,298 vehicles,''' said. Although it has reached a peak, he said, the flow of vehicles passing on the Nagreg Line remained high on the H-1 Lebaran or Tuesday morning, with a congestion of four kilometers due to the heavy traffic flow. There was a fairly long bottleneck of about four kilometers. Our prediction earlier from 00.00 to 03.00 WIB was already in the number of 15,000 passing vehicles,'' he said. The vehicle leading to the Nagreg lane was dominated by motorcyclists which reached 64 percent, namely 305,323 motorcycle units since H-7 Lebaran. The dominance remains with the motorbike. The figure is very large at 64 percent for the dominance of motorcycles,' he said.

Furthermore, he said that four-wheeled vehicle travelers experienced a decline on the Nagreg route caused by the tendency of travelers who prefer to use the Cipali and Cisumdawu toll roads as the main alternative. "Maybe people prefer to go through the Cipali Toll Road. Because there is indeed a one way, there is also a reduction in toll rates, there are also the Cisumdawu and Cipali toll roads," said Eric.

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