SENTANI - Jayapura Resort Police (Polres) arrested a fraudster who also raped a number of victims disguised as police.

Jayapura Police Chief AKBP Fredrickus WA Maclarimboen said the perpetrator with the initials AE (26) was a recidivist and had been in and out of correctional institutions twice.

"This case was revealed after the victim with the initials GN (20) reported the incident that happened on February 17, 2024. The perpetrator's mode used a fake account with a profile of a member of the National Police, then invited the victim to meet and then seize the victim's belongings and rape," he said as quoted by ANTARA, Monday, April 8.

According to the Police Chief, the perpetrator while at the designated location to meet, will then argue waiting for the same person to be known to the victim via Facebook.

"Even though it was a tactic, then took the victim together to meet him. Even though it was the perpetrator's strategy to take the victim to a quiet place and immediately launched the action," he said.

He explained that after an investigation was carried out, the perpetrator was arrested by the East Sentani Police Opsnal Reskrim on April 5, 2024.

"The perpetrator admitted that he had committed eight crimes, where six crimes of the victims were raped, while twice the victims did not have time to be raped for resisting," he said.

After his party traced the traces of the perpetrators, it turned out that there had been five police reports related to their crimes at the East Sentani Police, so this case would continue to be developed.

The confiscated evidence included a HondaBeat motorbike, a cell phone unit belonging to the victim, a machete used by the perpetrator when carrying out the action.

Pelaku AE (26) akan dijerat dengan pasal 285 KUHP dengan ancaman hukuman maksimal 12 tahun penjara dan pasal 356 ayat (1) KUHP dengan ancaman hukuman penjara maksimal nine tahun.

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