JAKARTA - The Composite Stock Price Index (IHSG) was opened to continue weakening in trading this morning. JCI opened lower by 123.01 points or 2.62 percent to 4,583.97.

Starting the trade, there were 33 stocks stronger, 186 stocks weakened, and 53 stocks stagnant. Trade transactions reached IDR475.34 billion from 295.11 million shares traded.

Reliance Sekuritas Indonesia analyst Lanjar Nafi assessed that JCI will struggle to rebound in the short term with a moving range of 4615-4770.

Even so, investors will still monitor the current conditions of the increasing spread of the corona cirus, both domestically and in the European region. "Corona virus or COVID-19 in Europe has been increasing recently," he said.

This morning, the stocks that entered the top gainers, namely shares of PT Makmur Berkah Amanda Tbk (AMAN) rose IDR43 or 21.61 percent to IDR242, shares of PT Indonesia Fibreboard Industry Tbk (IFII) rose IDR13 or 11.11 percent to IDR130, and PT Metro Healthcare Indonesia Tbk (CARE) shares rose IDR 9 or 6.92 percent to IDR 139.

As for the stocks that entered the top losers, among others, shares of PT PP Tbk (PTPP) fell IDR 50 or 6.85 percent to IDR 680, shares of PT Sri Rejeki Isman Tbk (SRIL) fell IDR 10 or 6.49 percent to IDR 144, and shares of PT Bank Tabungan Negara Tbk (BBTN) decreased IDR 75 or 6.02 percent to IDR 1,170.

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