TANGERANG - The murder case of the shopkeeper, Resy Ariska, which was allegedly carried out by Nada Diana on Jalan Borobudur, Head Two, Tangerang Regency, revealed several irregularities. This was also said by witnesses at the location and the victim's family.

Witness, Radit said that before the murder, the victim did not cause the victim to be dirty. But vice versa.

"At first he was wearing shoes. He (the perpetrator) entered it, the mother said, "Sorry take off his shoes", so he (the perpetrator) didn't accept it, then said 'Tati' him. Responded finally to be noisy, "said Radit when met in the Cibodas area, Tangerang City, Sunday, April 7.

After the fight, they were finally separated by local residents. Soon Nada returned to his car and then approached the victim and stabbed him once to death on the spot.

"After that, the counter guard (nether than the crime scene) wanted to catch the perpetrator. He nancem while holding a sword," he said.

Meanwhile, the police statement actually had differences in the dirty swearing.

Kelapa Dua Police Chief, Kompol Stanlly Soselisa, said that the victim was dirty. So the perpetrator was provoked by emotion, as a result he stabbed the victim with a sword.

He said the motive for the perpetrator to kill the victim was because Nada was hurt by the victim's words.

"It hurts and is offended by being said by Tahi," Stanlly told reporters at the Kelapa Dua Police, Tuesday, April 2.

Stanlly explained that the incident started when the perpetrator arrived at the victim's clothing shop on Jalan Borobudur, Kelapa Dua, Tangerang Regency.

At that time the perpetrator entered using sandals. Even though at that time the victim was cleaning the floor of the shop. but DN was not willing to let him go, so there was an argument.

Suddenly, the victim was upset and said harsh words. as a result, offended the perpetrator.

"At that time the suspect heard" Tahi " then with the insult made the suspect offended, and came back to the victim asking what the victim said," he said.

"The suspect quarreled until there was a verbal argument and a scratch occurred," he continued

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