The rain that flushed the city of Semarang, Central Java, from Friday (5/4) night to today has caused Jalan Kaligawe, which is a flood route, so many motorcyclists are trapped.

The height of the flood on the main homecoming route towards Demak, Kudus, Pati, to Rembang is about 30 cm.

Kasatlantas Polrestabes Semarang AKBP Yunaldi said the worst puddle was at the corner of Pasar Kubro towards Jalan Kaligawe, precisely at toll access within Semarang City, and in front of the Sultan Agung Islamic Hospital.

Efforts to overcome the inundation, he said, include maximizing existing water pumps to reduce inundation.

In addition, he continued, diversion to other roads for motorcyclists who are going to Demak to avoid this pantura route.

"Homecomers will be directed through Simpang Lima, then to Jalan Wolter Monginsidi before returning to the pantura route towards Demak," he said as quoted by ANTARA, Saturday, April 6.

From observations at the location, a number of motorbikes that were desperate to cross the flooded road broke down.

Most of the motorbikes came from outside the city of Semarang and Central Java Province.

In addition, long traffic jams also occurred on Arterial Street Yos Sudarso due to vehicles lining up when they were about to pass on the flooded road.

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