BEKASI - The Ministry of Transportation (Kemenhub) said it would remove the Basuri telolet horn system that is not standard on buses if officers were found on the streets.

"Because there is a policy from us to prohibit it (the "telelet" horn). Of course, our officers in the field will reprimand and prohibit, after which efforts are made to revoke or remove the system so as not to interfere with the vehicle system as a whole, especially those related to safety," said Head of Sub-Directorate for Urban Transportation of the Ministry of Transportation, Iman Sukandar, quoted by ANTARA, Friday, April 5.

Iman appealed to all bus operators to no longer use 'telelet' horns, what else uses an air system or wind system that is connected to the vehicle braking system.

The use of "telet" horns can cause air or wind supply to run out so that it has an impact on the less optimal function of the vehicle brakes, therefore it is very risky for accidents and endangers people.

"I think it is clear that the ban is because of the considerations, among others, especially if it uses an air system or wind system that is connected to the engine system or braking system and so on, it will be very dangerous," said Iman.

Iman said that his party routinely checks the feasibility of buses at various terminals, ranging from 'telelet' horns to ramp checks (examination of the physical condition of the bus, administrative completeness, and licensing) on the vehicle to be dispatched.

He continued, the ban on the use of 'telelet' horns was carried out to ensure traffic order, security and safety in Tangerang City.

The reason is, since the phenomenon of "telelet" fever has occurred, many people, especially children who stop or gather on the road only to wait for the horn sound. This of course can cause congestion, congestion, and even the potential for traffic accidents.

This phenomenon often even takes victims, one of which is an accident involving child victims and Sinar Dempo buses with "telelet" horns that occurred at Merak Ferry Port, last March.

Based on the official website of the Directorate General of Land Transportation (Ditjen Hubdat) of the Ministry of Transportation, the rules related to the use of horns have been regulated in Government Regulation Number 55 of 2012 concerning Vehicles.

Article 69 states that the lowest horn sound is 83 decibels or 118 decibels at the highest, and if violated, a fine of IDR 500 thousand will be imposed.

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