Coordinating Minister for Human Development and Culture (PMK) and Coordinating Minister for the Economy Airlangga Hartarto defended President Joko Widodo or Jokowi regarding frequent visits and distribution of social assistance (bansos) in Central Java.

According to Muhadjir, Jokowi has not only visited in the last few months. However, his work patterns were applied during his tenure as president.

"Regarding the President, so actually the visit of the President is not only now, yes, it is indeed one of his pattern of election," said Muhadjir during the General Election Result Dispute (PHPU) trial at the Constitutional Court (MK), Friday, April 5.

In addition, Muhadjir also said that Jokowi went directly to the field to get a response or feedback from the community for the social assistance they received.

The response in question is the use of aid by the recipients of the social assistance.

"That's where the President intervened to carry out monitoring, check whether everything had been delivered, as well as to get feedback, feedback, from those targeted by the social assistance," said Muhadjir.

Jokowi often visits also to ensure or see firsthand the development of government work programs.

"In my opinion, if there are regions, why are they often visited by the president, most likely there are many projects, even national strategic projects that are given to the area," he said.

Not much different, Airlangga said that in every visit activity, Jokowi only distributed government assistance programs to the community.

"The president went directly to the field and several places I accompanied him," said Airlangga

The chairman of the Golkar Party also gave an example of a number of Jokowi's visits to several areas during the COVID-19 pandemic. At that time, Jokowi only distributed Pre-Employment Cards to People's Business Credit (KUR).

"Regarding his visits, I underlined what was conveyed by the Coordinating Minister for Human Development and Culture, because several programs under economic coordination such as KUR, pre-employment cards, then during the handling of Covid, assistance to street vendors, fishermen," said Airlangga.

Previously, Constitutional Court Judge Saldi Isra questioned the considerations used in determining the visit area of President Joko Widodo or Jokowi to the four ministers of the Advanced Indonesia Cabinet (KIM).

This is because Jokowi is said to often visit Central Java to distribute social assistance (bansos).

"So we have to ask, what do you think the president considers choosing, for example, to go to Central Java, there are many visits compared to other places? This is related to visits where social assistance is distributed," said Saldi.

According to him, it is important to question the court. This is because it is one of the arguments proposed by the petitioners.

"So if we can help explain this, it will be easier for us to see if what the applicant is fighting can be justified or not, please help us with this assistance by these 4 ministers related to this," he said.

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