JAKARTA - A woman named Nia Ramadhani (38) was found dead in her boarding house. The discovery of Nia's body was first discovered by her colleague Ayu Sundari. "This discovery was first discovered by Ayu Sundari who wanted to invite the victim to breakfast at 10.00 WIB, but did not receive a response," said the Head of the Raya Police, AKP SP Siringo-ringo, as reported by JPNN, Friday, April 5. The case of the discovery of the body occurred on Wednesday, April 3 at around 13.00 WIB. Another witness, Rinal Purba, continued the police chief, was originally about to wake Nia. However, at that time the door was locked from the inside and the victim did not answer when called. Feeling suspicious, the witness decided to break down the door and found Nia Ramadhani in a lifeless condition. Nia's position face down on her bed in sleeping clothes. Based on the results of the investigation of the crime scene, there were no signs of violence on the victim's body. Furthermore, the victim's body was taken to the Jasamen Saragih Hospital, Pematangsiantar City. "The examinations we carried out were very thorough, covering all parts of the body. From head to toe, we found no injuries showing acts of violence or struggle," said the head of the Greater Health Center, Dr. Jhon S Saragih. Furthermore, Dr. Jhon added that to determine the exact cause of death, an autopsy will be carried out.
"We are in the process of preparing for the autopsy. This is to determine what the real cause of death is," said Dr. Jhon.

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