JAKARTA - President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) officially inaugurated Marshal Madya (Marsdya) Mohammad Tonny Harjono as Air Force Chief of Staff (KSAU) today, Friday, April 5. The activity was carried out at the State Palace, Jakarta.

From the Presidential Secretariat's YouTube monitoring, Tonny's inauguration was attended by a number of ministers such as Vice President Ma'ruf Amin to Defense Minister Prabowo Subianto. Presidential Decree Number 20/TNI/2024 concerning the Dismissal and Appointment of Air Force Chiefs of Staff was read out first by the Presidential Military Secretary.

Decided, determined and so on first, respectfully dismissed Marshal TNI Fajar Prasetyo... from the position of Chief of Staff of the Air Force accompanied by thanks for his dedication and services which were donated to the Indonesian nation and state as long as the position was held," read out the decree.

"Secondly appointed TNI Intermediate Marshal Mohammad Tonny Harjono... as Air Force Chief of Staff," he continued.

After Presidential Decree was read out, President Jokowi then led the oath-taking which began with the embedding of a position sign. Tonny was accompanied by clergy at that time.

"By Allah, I swear that I will be loyal to the Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia based on Pancasila and the 1945 Constitution of the Republic of Indonesia and will carry out all laws and regulations as straight as possible for the sake of my service to the nation and state," said Tonny following the oath of office read by Jokowi.

"That in carrying out my duties and positions, I will uphold the ethics of my position, work as well as possible and with a full sense of responsibility," he continued.

"That I will uphold the oath of soldiers."

Furthermore, the signature of the appointment minutes was carried out witnessed by the TNI Commander General Agus Subiyanto and the National Police Chief General Listyo Sigit Prabowo.

After being inaugurated as KSAU, Tonny received an promotion as Marshal in accordance with Presidential Decree No. 26/TNI/2024.

As previously reported, Tonny served as Presidential Military Secretary in 2020 or during President Jokowi's administration. He also held the last position as Pangkogabwilhan II before becoming KSAU.

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