SOLO - Surakarta City Police (Polresta) has prepared six security posts for homecoming activities and the celebration of Eid al-Fitr 1445 Hijri in order to face the flow of Eid Al-Fitr 2024 homecoming.

"We have prepared six posts in this operation, consisting of four Security Posts, one Integrated Post and one Service Post to join the TNI-Polri Synergy Post," said Head of Surakarta City Police (Kapolresta) Kombes Pol Iwan Saktiadi in Solo, Central Java (Central Java), Thursday 4 April, confiscated by Antara.

"In addition, the Surakarta Police have also prepared five Strong Point Posts which will be mobile, where there is a traffic jam location, while the post is in the ranks of the police," continued Iwan.

According to the Police Chief, it is hoped that the posts that have been held will be able to provide excellent service and optimal security, so that people can feel, "Safe, Cheerful, Meaningful Homecoming".

"We express our highest gratitude and appreciation to all security personnel who have participated in supporting this operation," he said.

On that occasion, the Chief of Police also congratulated the people of Islam who are celebrating Ramadan fasting and Eid al-Fitr 1445 H.

In addition, his party is also ready to guarantee the comfort of the Muslim community who will carry out worship, one of which is by carrying out a concentrated crackdown operation, especially regarding alcoholic drinks and brong exhaust vehicles.

The police continue to take action, so that now they have destroyed 2,721 liters of alcoholic beverages in the form of ciu, 1,641 bottles of illegal liquor, and 300 exhaust brong seized during this Ramadan.

"We will continue to guarantee that people who carry out worship, both fasting and Eid, will no longer have activities that lead to Pekat," he said.

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