The government urges the public to be aware of extreme weather during the 2024 Eid homecoming flow, especially on routes that cross the ocean.

This was conveyed by the Minister of Transportation Budi Karya Sumadi, National Police Chief General Listyo Sigit Prabowo and TNI Commander General Agus Subiyanto while reviewing the flow of homecoming at Gilimanuk Port, Jembrana Regency, Bali, Thursday, April 4.

"We continue to coordinate with the BMKG to monitor weather developments throughout Indonesia. We also order the port to continue to communicate with the local BMKG," said Budi.

He said, in addition to completing facilities along the homecoming route, weather conditions also determine the comfort and safety of the homecoming community.

Specifically for ports, according to him, his party has added a number of facilities such as additional piers, dredging the ship's anchorage locations from silting and increasing the fleet of ships.

The National Police Chief Sigit Prabowo also conveyed the same thing. He said inspection of safety equipment on ships must be carried out regularly because the weather can change at any time.

"Before the homecoming starts, we from various institutions carry out inspections of the completeness of safety equipment on ships. All of this is so that homecoming runs safely," he said.

On the other hand, Sigit also praised people who followed the government's advice to go home early, in order to avoid the accumulation of vehicles, especially at ports.

From observations carried out, travelers who left for their hometowns early came from those who worked in the informal sector.

"Maybe D-4 or D-3 people who work in the formal sector are just going home. That's the day we estimate that there will be a peak of this year's Eid homecoming flow," he said.

Meanwhile, TNI Commander General Agus Subiyanto said that regarding the weather situation, his party had prepared a means of transportation as a disaster mitigation that could be deployed at any time.

Especially for Bali, he said, Kodam IX Udayana deployed 1,900 personnel to assist the tasks of the National Police, including health personnel who opened service posts at a number of homecoming routes.

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